ThemeForest Pixart is a theme created as an Elementor Kit museum template for WordPress. It presents a distinct and customized design tailored for art exhibitions, museums, and cultural displays. Its wide array of tools and features cater specifically to the needs of showcasing artistic works and artifacts online, optimizing design elements and layout to enhance the visual appeal of museum-related websites and ensure a seamless and engaging user experience.

Theme Version: 1.0.19
SafariWordPress template ThemeForest Pixart

Template Description

The theme integrates a sophisticated color palette that resonates with the artistic and cultural aspects of its intended purpose. The carefully selected blend of hues and tones aims to evoke elegance and creativity, mirroring the essence of museums and art galleries. These color choices not only enhance the aesthetic appeal but also play a vital role in conveying ThemeForest Pixart relevance to the industry.

A standout feature of this theme is its intuitive arrangement of elements designed to effectively showcase artworks, exhibitions, and cultural collections. The structured layout of sections, galleries, and navigation menus facilitates easy exploration and content discovery, promoting seamless interaction with the website. This user-friendly design encourages visitors to immerse themselves in the museum experience through their devices comfortably.

Aligned with the branding needs of the museum and art sector, this theme provides a variety of features that enhance user experience, particularly in the context of cultural and artistic content. From interactive image galleries to multimedia support for audio and video presentations, it offers a versatile platform for displaying diverse forms of artwork and exhibitions effectively. These features not only exhibit content efficiently but also create an immersive and engaging online museum journey.

The design philosophy behind this theme revolves around capturing the essence of museum aesthetics and translating them seamlessly into a digital format. By incorporating elements like elegant typography, high-quality imagery, and responsive design principles, it ensures that the visual and functional expectations of museum websites are not only met but exceeded. The meticulous attention to detail and emphasis on user engagement underscore the themes dedication to providing a compelling online representation of physical cultural spaces.

As a museum template for WordPress, this theme offers a comprehensive solution for museums, art galleries, and cultural institutions aiming to establish a robust online presence. Its industry-specific features, design elements, and user-centric approach make it a valuable asset for organizations looking to showcase their collections, exhibitions, and cultural initiatives effectively. By leveraging its capabilities, museum websites can elevate their online presence, providing visitors with a visually rich and interactive experience.

Template Features:

  • The theme is constantly updated to the latest versions of WordPress.
  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
  • Advanced typography for a custom design content.
  • Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
  • Several types of CSS Menu, with smooth animation effects.
  • Several hand-picked color schemes with the ability to create your own color scheme.
  • The template for the Elementor Pro page builder also includes support for popular plugins.
  • Demo data, so that the theme design matches the demo preview as much as possible.
  • The theme supports version WordPress 5.x.


Release date: 03-03-2021
Last updated: 15-07-2021
Type: Premium
License: GPL 
Subject: Blog Business Portfolio Tourism & Leisure Elementor Pro
Compatibility: W5.x
QuickStart: -
Developer: Elementor Template Kits

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General Features:


Powerful Features

The theme includes a specially designed universal functions and elements for a particular segment, allowing you to easily customize the template.

Responsive Design

The layout of the themes are 100% responsive and works perfectly on all devices, providing maximum flexibility, adapting the website to fit any screen resolution.


Modern web technologies offer a rich set of features and benefits. The template is designed using HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery.

Quick Start

Get started in minutes using the install themes with preconfigured plug-ins, styles, and demo content.


The ability to display the site with the same degree of readability in all browsers, such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 10+.

SEO optimization

Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.


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