Total templates: 151

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MyThemeShop GridBox
Version: 1.2.2

MyThemeShop GridBox is a theme designed for WordPress, tailored specifically for news portals. This theme offers a range of features that cater to the dynamic and content-rich nature of websites focusing on news. The layout and design elements are crafted to enhance readability, engagement, and navigation for visitors seeking news and updates. With a focus on user experience and visual appeal, this theme ensures that news content is displayed in a clear, organized, and aesthetically pleasing manner. From customizable grids to responsive design, the theme is equipped to meet the needs of a modern news portal.

Version: 1.1.1

MyThemeShop Diary is a versatile WordPress theme tailored to meet diverse blogging requirements. Boasting a clean, modern design and a responsive layout, it delivers an immersive user experience. The theme offers customizable features and a user-friendly interface, catering to bloggers across various niches.

MyThemeShop Diary
MyThemeShop Glamour
Version: 2.1.2

MyThemeShop Glamour is a theme designed to cater to the needs of a news portal with an integrated online store for WordPress. This multipurpose theme combines elegant design elements with robust functionalities to provide a seamless user experience. Featuring a clean and modern layout, it offers a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality for websites looking to showcase news content while also selling products or services online.

Version: 1.1.1

This theme is tailored to suit the needs of WordPress news blog templates. The design, layout, and features of this theme are crafted to offer a seamless and visually appealing experience for those looking to create engaging and informative news-related websites.

MyThemeShop JustBlue
MyThemeShop Fortune
Version: 1.1.1

This theme is designed as a news portal template for WordPress. It offers a range of features and functionalities that cater specifically to establishing a dynamic news platform on the WordPress CMS. From its layout to color scheme, the theme is optimized to enhance the user experience for both the content creators and readers alike.

Version: 1.2.1

MyThemeShop Report is a WordPress theme designed for news portals, offering a sleek and modern layout tailored for content-heavy websites. Its design and navigation are optimized for presenting a large amount of information in a user-friendly manner. This theme provides a range of customization options to ensure a unique appearance while maintaining a professional and clean look.

MyThemeShop Report
MyThemeShop Nominal
Version: 1.3.2

The theme in question is a popular choice for WordPress news blog templates. It offers a sleek and modern design coupled with a range of features tailored to the needs of news-focused websites. The layout is optimized for easy navigation and readability, making it ideal for publishing articles, updates, and breaking news in a clear and engaging manner. This theme for WordPress includes customizable widgets, color schemes, and typography options, allowing users to create a unique and professional-looking news blog effortlessly.

Version: 1.1.1

MyThemeShop Bloggie is a theme designed for WordPress that caters specifically to the needs of a news blog template. This theme incorporates a range of features tailored to provide a seamless and professional layout for news-related content. With a clean and modern design, it offers a user-friendly experience for both visitors and content creators alike. The color scheme and layout elements have been meticulously chosen to enhance the overall aesthetic and functionality of a WordPress news blog template.

MyThemeShop Bloggie
MyThemeShop Trendy
Version: 1.2.1

MyThemeShop Trendy is a WordPress theme tailored for creating a news portal, featuring a sleek and modern design ideal for showcasing news articles. The theme includes a clean layout with user-friendly navigation, ensuring a seamless experience for visitors. Carefully selected color schemes and typography enhance readability and visual appeal, aligning with the requirements of news-oriented websites. Customizable widgets and multiple layout options offer flexibility in presenting various types of news content effectively.

Version: 1.1.1

MyThemeShop Boxline is a theme designed for WordPress, specifically tailored for a news portal. With its sleek and modern design, this particular theme offers a range of features that cater to the needs of news websites. Its responsive layout ensures optimal viewing across devices, providing a seamless user experience for readers accessing the news portal. The themes customizable options allow for easy branding and personalization to align with the identity of the platform it serves.

MyThemeShop Boxline