Total templates: 280

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SKT Themes Sanitization Pro
Version: 2.0.0

SKT Themes Sanitization Pro is a theme designed for WordPress that caters to the specific needs of an information blog centered around the topic of coronavirus while also incorporating an online store functionality. It offers a comprehensive solution for creating a platform that disseminates crucial information about the pandemic while providing a means for selling relevant products or services related to health and safety.

Version: 5.0.0

The theme is designed with the needs of banquet halls in mind. Its features are tailored to showcase event spaces, services offered, and customer testimonials. The design elements exude elegance, with a color palette and layout that resonate with the sophistication expected from banquet hall websites. The overall aesthetics and functionality cater to the specific requirements of the banquet hall industry, focusing on user experience and visual appeal.

SKT Themes Banquet Hall Pro
SKT Themes Laboratory Pro
Version: 2.0.0

SKT Themes Laboratory Pro is a theme designed for WordPress tailored to suit the needs of a medical laboratory. This theme offers a sleek and professional design that integrates seamlessly with WordPress functionality. It provides a range of specialized features that cater specifically to medical laboratory websites, enhancing user experience and meeting industry-specific requirements.

Version: 2.0.0

SKT Themes Electrician Pro is a theme designed for energy companies utilizing WordPress. This template offers a vibrant and professional look suitable for businesses in the energy sector. With a focus on functionality and user experience, it caters to the specific needs of energy companies, emphasizing a design that reflects industry standards and operational requirements effectively. The color scheme and layout elements are tailored to enhance the branding and visual appeal for such businesses, ensuring that it aligns with the expectations of the energy sector.

SKT Themes Electrician Pro
SKT Themes Secure Pro
Version: 5.0.0

SKT Themes Secure Pro is a theme designed for WordPress tailored for a security agency. It boasts a sleek and professional design, perfectly suited to convey trust and reliability, essential in the security industry. The layout and color scheme are carefully crafted to exude a sense of strength and security, aligning perfectly with the branding needs of a security-focused website. It offers a user-friendly experience, allowing visitors to navigate effortlessly and find the information they need quickly, crucial for a security agency website.

Version: 2.0.0

The theme is a versatile WordPress theme tailored for business agencies seeking a professional online presence. Its sleek design and intuitive layout cater to agencies looking to showcase their services effectively. The themes color scheme exudes professionalism, aligning perfectly with the branding needs of business agencies. The layout of elements is strategically organized to highlight key information and services offered by the agency, ensuring a seamless user experience for visitors navigating the site.

SKT Themes Ele Agency
SKT Themes Ele Chocolate
Version: 2.0.0

SKT Themes Ele Chocolate is a WordPress theme specifically tailored for a chocolate factory. It offers a rich and indulgent design that mirrors the essence of a chocolate-making business. The color palette is reminiscent of deep, luscious chocolate hues, creating a visually appealing and thematic website layout that resonates with the target industry. The elements within the theme are strategically placed to highlight the products and services of a chocolate factory effectively, engaging visitors from the moment they land on the site.

Version: 1.0.0

The theme is designed to cater to ice cream cafes looking to establish a robust online presence where they can showcase their products and offer online ordering capabilities. It seamlessly integrates with WordPress, providing a user-friendly interface for managing content and online store functionality. The design elements are tailored to evoke a sense of fun and indulgence associated with ice cream, with a color scheme and layout that reflect the themes overall branding.

SKT Themes Ele IceCream
SKT Themes Butcher
Version: 2.0.0

SKT Themes Butcher is a WordPress theme tailored for the meat industry, offering a comprehensive solution for establishments aiming to set up an online store. It provides a unique design catering specifically to businesses in this industry, focusing on functionality and user experience. The features of the theme are carefully crafted to meet the needs of butcher shops, meat markets, or any related businesses aiming to establish a robust online presence.

Version: 3.0.0

SKT Themes Air Conditioner is a theme designed specifically for a climate company on WordPress. This template offers a comprehensive range of tools tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses operating in the climate control industry. From its sleek and professional design to its user-friendly interface, it aims to provide a seamless experience for both website administrators and visitors alike.

SKT Themes Air Conditioner