SKT Themes Tea Shop is a theme designed specifically for creating online stores, with a focus on tea products in this case. The theme offers a unique and visually appealing design tailored to enhance the presentation of tea products on a WordPress website. With a clean and modern layout, it provides a user-friendly experience for both the website owner and visitors alike. The color scheme and imagery choices reflect the soothing and elegant nature of a tea shop, setting the tone for a cohesive brand identity.

Theme Version: 2.0.0
SafariWordPress template SKT Themes Tea Shop

Template Description

The homepage layout of this theme is carefully crafted to showcase featured products, promotions, and informative content about different types of teas. It allows for easy navigation and exploration of various tea offerings, creating a seamless browsing experience for potential customers. The product pages are structured to highlight essential details such as pricing, descriptions, and customer reviews, aiding in informed purchasing decisions.

Navigation within the theme is intuitive, with clear menu structures and strategically placed call-to-action buttons to guide visitors through the website. The inclusion of a search bar enables users to quickly find specific tea products they are looking for, enhancing the overall usability of the online store. Additionally, the theme offers a responsive design, ensuring that the website functions seamlessly across different devices and screen sizes.

One of the standout features of this theme is the integration of an easy-to-use shopping cart and checkout system. Customers can conveniently add products to their cart, review their selections, and proceed to secure payment processing without any hassle. The theme also supports various payment gateways, providing flexibility for both customers and the store owner in processing transactions.

For website owners, the theme provides a user-friendly backend interface within WordPress, allowing for effortless content management and customization. It offers customization options for colors, fonts, layouts, and more, empowering users to tailor the website to their unique branding and style preferences. The theme is also SEO-friendly, ensuring that the online tea shop has a strong foundation for digital marketing and search engine visibility.

In terms of customer engagement, the theme includes features such as a newsletter subscription form and social media integration, enabling the tea shop to connect with its audience and build a loyal customer base. By leveraging these tools, the website can effectively communicate promotions, new arrivals, and tea-related content to its visitors, fostering ongoing relationships and driving repeat business.

Overall, SKT Themes Tea Shop is a versatile and feature-rich theme that caters specifically to the needs of tea online stores on the WordPress platform. From its visually appealing design to its seamless user experience and robust functionality, the theme provides a comprehensive solution for creating a successful online tea shop that stands out in the digital landscape.

Template Features:

  • The theme is constantly updated to the latest versions of WordPress.
  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
  • Advanced typography for a custom design content.
  • Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
  • Several types of CSS Menu, with smooth animation effects.
  • Combination of various colors can be done as the color scheme.
  • Several hand-picked color schemes with the ability to create your own color scheme.
  • Includes support for popular plugins, as well as e-commerce WooCommerce.
  • The theme supports version -.


Release date: 24-06-2020
Last updated: 08-07-2021
Type: Premium
License: GPL 
Subject: Blog Online Shopping Restaurants & Cafes Nature & Animals WooCommerce
Compatibility: W4.x W5.x
QuickStart: -
Developer: SKT Themes

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General Features:


Powerful Features

The theme includes a specially designed universal functions and elements for a particular segment, allowing you to easily customize the template.

Responsive Design

The layout of the themes are 100% responsive and works perfectly on all devices, providing maximum flexibility, adapting the website to fit any screen resolution.


Modern web technologies offer a rich set of features and benefits. The template is designed using HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery.

Quick Start

Get started in minutes using the install themes with preconfigured plug-ins, styles, and demo content.


The ability to display the site with the same degree of readability in all browsers, such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 10+.

SEO optimization

Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.


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