ThemeForest Pick is a WordPress template designed for culinary blogs. This theme offers a visually appealing and user-friendly design tailored specifically for creators of culinary content. Its layout, color scheme, and typography are carefully chosen to enhance the presentation of food-related articles and recipes effectively. The templates responsive design ensures that it looks great on any device, catering to modern blog readers who consume content on various screens. Additionally, it provides customization options that allow users to personalize their blogs to match their unique style and branding, making it a versatile choice for food bloggers looking to establish a strong online presence.

Theme Version: 2.0.0
SafariWordPress template ThemeForest Pick

Template Description

This WordPress theme includes a clean and intuitive navigation menu that enables visitors to explore the blog effortlessly. Its well-organized categories and tags system helps structure content in a logical and accessible manner, facilitating seamless access to a wide range of culinary articles and recipes. The template also incorporates social media integration, allowing users to share their favorite posts across various platforms, increasing the blogs visibility and engagement. Furthermore, it integrates seamlessly with popular WordPress plugins for added functionality, such as recipe cards, search engine optimization, and analytics, enabling bloggers to optimize their content and track performance effectively.

With a focus on user engagement, the theme incorporates interactive elements like recipe sliders, image galleries, and video embeds to captivate audiences and enhance the overall browsing experience. These features enable bloggers to showcase their culinary creations in a visually appealing way, enticing readers to explore more content and spend additional time on the blog. The themes speed optimization ensures fast loading times, keeping visitors engaged and reducing bounce rates, critical factors in enhancing search engine rankings and user satisfaction. Moreover, it offers a robust commenting system that encourages reader interaction and feedback, fostering a sense of community around the culinary blog.

In addition to its visual appeal and user engagement tools, ThemeForest Pick prioritizes readability and accessibility. It incorporates legible fonts, adequate spacing, and contrasting color schemes to enhance content comprehension and readability. This focus on readability is essential for culinary blogs, where users seek clear instructions and information about recipes and cooking techniques. The template also supports multilingual plugins, enabling bloggers to reach a global audience and cater to readers from diverse linguistic backgrounds, further expanding the blogs reach and influence.

Considering the competitive landscape of culinary blogging, this template stands out for its search engine optimization features, which help bloggers improve their visibility and rank higher in search engine results pages. Its structured data integration allows for rich snippets to appear in search results, increasing click-through rates and attracting more organic traffic. Additionally, it is optimized for mobile devices, ensuring that the blog maintains a strong online presence and remains accessible to a growing number of mobile users. These SEO-friendly features give culinary bloggers an edge in expanding their readership and establishing authority in the food blogging niche.

For bloggers interested in monetizing their culinary content, the template offers compatibility with advertising networks, affiliate marketing plugins, and e-commerce solutions. This flexibility allows users to diversify their revenue streams by incorporating sponsored content, affiliate links to culinary products, and even selling their own merchandise directly from the blog. By supporting various monetization options, the theme empowers culinary bloggers to turn their passion for food into a sustainable online business, opening up opportunities for growth and financial success in the competitive digital landscape.

In summary, a theme like this serves as an essential tool for aspiring and established culinary bloggers looking to create a professional and engaging online presence. Its tailored design, user-friendly features, and customization options make it a versatile choice for individuals passionate about sharing their culinary experiences, recipes, and insights with a global audience. Whether you are a home cook, professional chef, or food enthusiast, this template provides the necessary framework to elevate your culinary blog and connect with like-minded individuals who share your love for food and cooking.

I hope this meets expectations and addresses any previous issues.

Template Features:

  • The theme is constantly updated to the latest versions of WordPress.
  • Actual and secure code, the latest versions of PHP and MySQL.
  • Support compression of JavaScript and CSS to speed up website.
  • Compliance with standards W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional and W3C CSS Valid.
  • Advanced typography for a custom design content.
  • Has support for Google fonts and RTL/LTR languages.
  • Several types of CSS Menu, with smooth animation effects.
  • Several color schemes to choose from.
  • Several hand-picked color schemes with the ability to create your own color scheme.
  • Includes support for popular plugins.
  • Demo data, so making the theme exactly matched the demo preview.
  • The theme supports version WordPress 5.x.


Release date: 05-02-2016
Last updated: 30-06-2019
Type: Premium
License: GPL 
Subject: Blog Portfolio Restaurants & Cafes
Compatibility: W5.x
QuickStart: Demo Data
Developer: ThemeForest

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General Features:


Powerful Features

The theme includes a specially designed universal functions and elements for a particular segment, allowing you to easily customize the template.

Responsive Design

The layout of the themes are 100% responsive and works perfectly on all devices, providing maximum flexibility, adapting the website to fit any screen resolution.


Modern web technologies offer a rich set of features and benefits. The template is designed using HTML5, CSS3, LESS, JQuery.

Quick Start

Get started in minutes using the install themes with preconfigured plug-ins, styles, and demo content.


The ability to display the site with the same degree of readability in all browsers, such as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer 10+.

SEO optimization

Template is fully optimized for SEO, which ensures seamless index and the presence of your website in search engines.


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