Total extensions: 1228

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StarLite Pretty Photo
Version: 1.3.0

Display the gallery in article body for a long time has become if not mandatory, it is very popular solution on many sites of the Runet. This allows much more informative and more interesting to convey information to the user than a plain text with a couple pi...

Version: 1.2.0

You, as the administrator of their personal website or site of your customers, quite often look at the menu of the administrative panel to find the right material, category, or article. This process can occur quite a long time, because when working with a new ...

KC Admin QuickIcons
Version: 3.2.0

The module offers its customers to use more convenient shortcuts for quick access. Joomla module - adds KC Admin QuickIcons in the control panel to 10-15 icons that have a link, text and design can be template types, and can be selected independently by the cl...

Google Maps
Version: 3.3.0

Many commercial websites need to display on the pages of your location. With this task perfectly cope Joomla plugin Google Maps by Reumer. Using this extension you can add multiple Google maps. The plugin is easy to use, to the developer site provides detailed...

JoomClub News Boxs
Version: 2.0.0

News Boxs is a great news module where you can define the categories from which to display articles. Also this module has the ability to display images taken from the category. You can determine the size for images, the number of characters to define the intro...

JoomClub Fancy Currency Convertor
Version: 1.0.0

Fancy Currency Convertor is a nice and simple module to convert currencies. The module can support up to 93 currencies 6 built-in appearance styles. Highly customizable and works perfectly in all modern browsers.

ZT Slideshow
Version: 2.0.4

ZT Images Slideshow is innovative way of displaying images, sliding titles and descriptions will make you forget about boring and simple headers. ZT Images Slideshow allows you to quickly and easily display a selection of images and transition between them. An...

JoomClub Responsive Thumbnail Youtube Gallery
Version: 1.0.0

Responsive Thumbnail Youtube Gallery is a beautiful and functional video gallery Youtube thumbnail. Has many options and is compatible with all modern browsers.

Version: 2.0.4

The RocketTheme team has developed a module RokWeather, which displays all of the weather anywhere in the world. Easy installation, flexible configuration significantly distinguish it from peers, and the opportunity to choose a settlement to be attractive to u...

BT Media Gallery
Version: 1.3.0

Component BT Media Gallery is full-featured solution which integrates media content from such services as YouTube, Vimeo, Flickr and Picasa to your website. You just need to have an account on any of the supported services and to make a few simple steps to sta...

BT Image Gallery
Version: 2.1.4

Many site owners publish on their portals, photo galleries. But the standard of photo galleries for Joomla not so interesting. But if you install on your website module BT Image Gallery, the beauty of any display photo galleries on your website will increase.

Freestyle FAQs
Version: 1.11.18

Freestyle FAQ component was designed to provide You with an incredibly flexible module answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) for Your web site. In it You'll find a variety of customization features and adjustment module.

BT Twitter Feed
Version: 2.2.0

In the framework of today's Internet, one cannot deny the influence on people's social networks. Often the most truthful reviews people write on their pages in social networks. Every website owner wants all the positive comments and constructive criticism are ...

Version: 2.04.05

YEEditor component - it editor for Joomla that gives the user the ability to create complex web pages with lots of elements, in a short time. The addition allows you to make section of the website that you want is usually to spend an hour or two, for 5 minutes...

BT Facebook Like Box
Version: 1.5.0

Module BT Facebook Like Box allows the owner of the page on the social network Facebook to attract and gain likes directly from your website where you installed this module. In the work presented involves the standard API Facebook.

JA Typo System
Version: 2.5.9

Everyone who at least time in life is developing its own website repeatedly faced with the problem of realization of design which is not only vivid and memorable, but also completely relevant to the site topic. Plugin JA Typo System elegantly solves this probl...

JB Hoverbox
Version: 1.0.0

JoomlaBamboo module Hoverbox is a Joomla extension used to create simple css image gallery. The module displays the photo gallery in the form of a simple table with thumbnail images that when you hover over them with the cursor, increase to the required size.

JB Library
Version: 1.0.0

Any modern website cannot be built exclusively on a single template. Each owner adds the various scripts in order to improve its functionality. But not all scripts can work without conflict with each other, and to distinguish it without trying unrealistic. To ...

JB CaptifyContent
Version: 1.0.0

The extension description is prepared.

SP Comments
Version: 2.0.0

SP Comments is a multifaceted extension for Joomla which efficiently facilitates seamless interaction among users on the given site. Highly defined by its versatility, this extension allows users the accessibility to leave comments on articles using various po...