Total extensions: 1228

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Joint Purchase
JTAG Video
Version: 2.0.0

JTAG video component is a powerful Joomla video extension that lets you add, import and display videos on your Joomla website. You can also call this your Joomla Youtube plugin as it works seamlessly with YouTube.

Joint Purchase
JTAG MiniCart
Version: 4.0.0

Description the extension is prepared

JoomClub Quotes Rotator
Version: 2.0.0

Quotes Rotator predstavljaet a large module, which can rotate the content image. In the module there is support for Intro text button “Read more” and a number of other settings that you can customize to suit your needs.

JoomClub Sticky Panel
Version: 2.0.0

Sticky Panel is a module sticky panel in which you can display any information for your visitors and it will always be in sight, at the top of the page. The module has a number of settings that you can customize to suit your needs.

JoomClub Wedding Invitation
Version: 2.0.0

Wedding Invitation is a stylish and beautiful module electronic wedding invitations. It is effective to poll your guests about their presence in your celebration. This solution will save you time and money. The module is easy, attractive and has a number of se...

JoomClub Content Hover Box
Version: 3.2.0

Hover Content Box is a module for displaying images with leaving the text box when you hover the mouse. This will allow your website visitor to obtain complete information about a product or service which he is interested. And all this without unnecessary acti...

JoomClub Paginated News Slider
Version: 2.0.0

Paginated News Slider is a slider module for professional display only required your visitor to get answers to their questions. Most importantly, you must ensure that your information does not look bulky. This module offers an elegant solution to this problem.

JoomClub Pin IT
Version: 3.0.0

Pin IT is a module that allows the user to attach any image to your profile using an easy to use tool. The module has several settings and works fine in all modern browsers.

JoomClub Fancy Bookmarks
Version: 7.7.0

Fancy Bookmarks is a social sharing plugin that comes with such buttons like Facebook Share, Facebook Like, Twitter, Google +1, Pinterest Pin and 108 other social buttons. The module has a number of settings that you can customize to suit your needs.

JoomClub Fancy Slider With Caption
Version: 2.0.0

Fancy Slider With Caption is a module not a normal slider. This module displays product images with titles and links that will attract the audience to purchase your proposed product. The module works fine in all modern browsers.

JoomClub Fancy Article Lightbox
Version: 4.0.0

Fancy Article Lightbox is a nice and lightweight module to show articles on your website in an unusual way, showing them in the form of menu items to open in lightbox on the same page. The module looks terrific and works perfectly in all modern browsers.

JoomClub Skitter Image Slideshow
Version: 8.3.0

Skitter Image Slideshow is the best slideshow module images with 30 styles of animation, which is created using JavaScript. The module is fully customizable and has a large number of options. This module can display images from the folder you specified.

JoomClub Fake Online Pro
Version: 2.0.0

Fake Online Pro is a module to display a fake counter of visitors. The module shows random number of visitors online on your website. Many owners of websites want to show your visitors how popular they are.

JoomClub Mega Slideshow
Version: 5.4.0

Mega Slideshow is a fully integrated slideshow module that lets you display product images, descriptions, has lots of animation styles, AutoPlay feature and many other options that you can customize to suit your needs.

JoomClub Circular Content Carousel
Version: 1.0.0

Circular Content Carousel is a module of the content carousel with a beautiful graphical interface to make full use of the end user and creating a welcoming platform.

JoomClub Twitter Fader
Version: 1.0.0

Twitter Fader module is to demonstrate the tweets to your visitors. The module comes with an impressive number of options and settings that you can customize to suit your needs (animation, animation speed, color background pictures, color, tweets, etc.).

JoomClub Show-Off Slideshow
Version: 1.5.0

Show-Off Slideshow is a nice and easy module slideshow images where you can define the images, captions and URL for the slide images. The module fit perfectly in any professional web site.

JoomClub Pricing Table
Version: 3.2.0

Pricing Table is the module, which is a great solution to showcase service packages and tariff plans on your website. The module comes with several pre-configured styles. All you need to do is to choose the fonts, style and define rates, text and details of ta...

JoomClub Fancy Accordion
Version: 5.5.0

Fancy Accordion is the best accordion module for Joomla, which supports Joomla contents, K2 and Joomla modules. This means that you can display in your articles, this content. It comes with 25 preconfigured styles and is ready for use. This module has many fea...

Version: 2.0.2

Navigation on any website should be not only clear and simple but also all the menu items to be pleasing to the eye and they should want to click. If you are not satisfied with standard tools for Joomla output menu on the website, then you should set the DJ-Me...