CW News is a news display extension for Joomla that provides users with a powerful and versatile tool for showcasing news articles and updates on their website. With this extension, users can easily create and manage news modules, allowing them to keep their visitors informed and engaged with the latest content.

Extension Version: 2.0.19
Joomla extension CW News

Extension Description

This extension offers a wide range of features and customization options, ensuring that users can tailor their news display to suit their specific needs. Users have the ability to choose from multiple layouts, including grid, list, and carousel, allowing for a visually appealing and user-friendly presentation of news articles. Additionally, users can customize the number of articles to display, as well as the ordering and sorting options.

The extension also includes robust filtering and categorization capabilities, enabling users to organize their news articles into different categories and tags. This makes it easy for visitors to find the content that interests them the most, enhancing the overall user experience. Users can also create custom fields for their news articles, adding additional information or metadata to provide further context or improve search engine optimization.

One of the standout features of this extension is its advanced image handling capabilities. Users can easily upload and manage images for their news articles, with options to resize, crop, and optimize images for optimal display. This ensures that the news module looks professional and visually appealing, capturing the attention of visitors and encouraging them to engage with the content.

This extension also prioritizes performance and optimization. It utilizes caching techniques to minimize load times and enhance the overall speed and efficiency of the news module. This ensures a seamless and smooth browsing experience for visitors, reducing bounce rates and improving user satisfaction.

The user-friendly interface of this extension makes it easy for users with all levels of technical expertise to navigate and utilize its features. The intuitive backend allows for effortless management of news articles, with options to edit, publish, and unpublish articles as needed. Users can also schedule articles to be published at specific dates and times, ensuring timely delivery of news updates.

In conclusion, CW News is a comprehensive news display extension for Joomla that empowers users to create visually appealing, organized, and engaging news modules on their websites. With its wide range of features, customization options, and optimization capabilities, this extension allows users to effectively communicate and share their latest news articles with their audience. Whether its a news portal, blog, or corporate website, this extension provides the tools needed to captivate and inform visitors.


Release date: 18-11-2014
Last updated: 26-06-2020
Type: Free
License: GPL 
Subject: News Display
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: CW Joomla

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